Garin Horner
Associate Professor of Art & Photography.
Adrian College.
Garin Horner
RESOURCES: Click on the red link to watch the video.
What the camera's aperture is and what it does in your images.
The function of the camera's shutter and the effect it has on your photograph.
Shutter Speed allows the photographer to creatively express motion in their images.
Learn how to use your ISO, aperture, & shutter
speed settings to achieve a perfect exposure.
The story about what bit depth is and why it is important to the quality of your photos.

The Camera
Helpful Information
Quick Photo Tips
How to Become a Better Photographer
Here are some sure fire tips, guaranteed to make you a better photographer.
How to Title Your Photographs
Here is some advice on Titling Your Photographs.
Getting Your Art Accepted for Exhibition
Here is a comprehenive list of tips to help increase your chances of having your work chosen for exhibition.
Important tips designed to help you learn.
Tips for Photo Critique
Successful tips on how to approach the Photo Critique.
6 Tips on How to Study a Video
Surefire tips to getting the most out of studying a video.
These tips are sure to raise your study abilities!
Tips for getting started in digital photography.
Tips for Photographing People
Quick tips to overcome some of the most common mistakes of beginners.
Tips on Photographic Composition
Create more attractive photos while avoiding common pitfalls.
Tips on Photographic Lighitng
Some very basic tips that every photographer should know.
A few short tips to help you get the most out of your camera.
Tips on Editing Your Photographs
Some time saving tips on how to edit photographs.
A Couple Extra Tips at no Additional Charge
A couple bonus tips just for fun.
More to Come
Stand by.