Garin Horner
Associate Professor of Art & Photography.
Adrian College.
Garin Horner
Learning Strategies
Before You Start
Take 3 really big, deep breaths to get some oxygen in your system. This will help wake you up, clear your mind, and get focused.
Don't be Afraid to Make Mistakes
One of my professors said, “Do you know why I am better at this than you? It is because I have made more mistakes than you.” “Allow yourself to make mistakes — expect to make them — it's part of the learning process. Attempt to create as many images as you can this semester while placing more value in the journey, not the destination.” Photography Professor Don Werthmann has great advice in the above quote. Don’t think that you have to do everything perfect the first time to get a good grade. Learning requires mistakes.
Keep a daily calendar, either digital or written, and record your due dates. Design a schedule for your projects so you can keep track of what you have to do. This is the only way to know if you are on target for your deadlines. Changing the habit of procrastination isn’t impossible, but it does require a good dose of responsibility mixed with a bit of maturity.
Get enough sleep
You need enough sleep to think. Sleep deprivation ruins your concentration. Waking up and going to sleep every day at the same times will also help your ability to learn. I know this is hard to do in college, but it isn’t impossible.
Make a plan
At the end of the day reflect on tomorrow’s goals and priorities so you make sure you do what you have to do. My Mother always told me, “You have to sometimes do what you don’t want to do so you can do what you want to do.” You might end up with more time to sleep!
Find a place you won’t be interrupted and give yourself a reward when you meet a study goal.
Eat healthy food
Food is what fuels your body and mind. The quality of what you put in directly impacts what energy levels and quality of energy you get out. When you are low on energy, just drinking water can perk you up.
Stress and Anxiety
These things are big parts of a college environment. Remember that there is help available so seek out the resources you need. Ask a professor or your advisor for help. Also, meditation will help tremendously!
Here is a video about a 4 point strategy for overcoming laziness. Take a look:
Get to class on time
When you come to class on time it makes you feel better. When you feel prepared and have made a smooth transition into the classroom, you will be ready to learn.
Never hesitate to ask questions. Asking questions helps you to understand.
Go to Class
It sounds obvious, right? But, when you miss a class you break the continuity of learning and you will have to put in extra effort to learn what you missed.
Communicate with the Professor
If there is anything you don’t understand, its best to clarify the information before you need to use it. Send a quick email or go talk with the Professor to help you get a solid understanding of the material.
15 minutes of meditation will help you focus on studying. It will also envigorate and energize you.